16/1 Wonka 21.30 - 22.30
16/01 Wonka 23 -01
17/01 Don Max 20 - 22
21/01 Ópera de arame 12:00 hr
23 Wonka Bar
28/01 dizzy cafe concerto 21.30
29/1 Nada Bar 19-21
28/ Dizzys Concerto
29/01 dizzy cafe concerto 21.30
31st w Sahrina Da Silva Band TBA
1st Oh People Release Christianshavns Beboerhus 18-21
1st A Plane To Catch @Drop Inn 22-00
3rd Monday Night Bigband @Paradise Jazz
5th Anders Malta's Almost Bigband Christianias Jazzklub
6th Toftemark/ChristensDuo at Teroristen 20-22
7th A Plane to Catch winter Jazz Kayak Bar
9th Jam Host La Fontaine
Toftemark/Benack III 5tet Tour
13th Jönköbing Jazzklubb
14th Utopia Jazz Gothenburg
15th Pakhuset
17th TBA Finland
19th Sellosali Finland
20th Jazzhouse Montmatre Cph
21st Center For Dansk Jazz Historie
22nd Viften I Rødovre
23rd Ballerup Jazzclub
24th Gladsaxe Jazzklub
25th Recording Session
26th Recording Session
27th Musikhuset Aarhus
28th Nanas Stue Sønderho
1st Skanderborg Jazzklub
2nd Kulturium Ishøj
3rd Monday Night Bigband
5th Toftemark Christensen Duo - La Fontaine
7th Toftemark 6'tet Søllerød Jazzklub
13th Niclas Badelebens Store Aften
21th Oh People Dropp Inn 17 -21
23rd Toftemark 5tet Christianias Jazzclub 20-22
26th Rolf Thofte 5'tet Lyngby Torbæk Jazzclub
30th Jam Session La Fontaine w. J. Lindberg & J. Henriksson
2nd Anders Malta's Almost Bigband @Christianias Jazzklub
9th Rolf Thofte Quintet @Paradise Jazz
14th Monday Night Bigband @Paradise Jazz
25th Toftemark Standard 4tet @La Fontaine
2nd Jens Kou Olesen Duo. 18-21 Tba
3rd Lafontaine Lea Foxman 4tet
7th A Plane To Catch Søhesten
9th Oh People Jazzcup
10th Gadeensemblet Masterclass - Odense
21st Toftemark/ Sørensen Duo @La Fontaine
4th Anders Malta's Almost Bigband Christianias Jazzklub
8th La Fontaine Jam Session w. Andreas Fryland & J. Roland
15th La Fontaine Jam session w. Andreas Fryland
4th 20-23 Lea Foxman @Paradise Jazz Club
7th 20- 23 Monday Night Bigband @Paradise Jazz Club
10th 21- 23 A Plane To Catch @Charlie Scotts
9th A Plane to Catch Slangerup
5th Toftemark 6tet Christianias Jazzclub
12th A Plane To Catch El Mundo Aalborg
13th A Plane To Catch Jazz i Thy
15th Monday Night Bigband @Paradise Jazz Club
5th Chris Andersen 4tet feat Vanisha Gould Ballerup Jazz
6th Chris Andersen 4tet feat Vanisha Gould Gladsaxe Jazz
7th Chris Andersen 4tet feat Vanisha Gould Fasching
9th Chris Andersen 4tet feat Vanisha Gould Divino
13th Monday Night Bigband @Paradise Jazz Club.
17th Monday Night Bigband @Paradise Jazz Club
15th Monday Night Bigband @Paradise Jazz Club
Past Shows
3rd Erlings Aarhus
5th Sørensen/Nordmand/Toftemark Oslo
6th Utopia Gothenburg
9 John Henriksson Stampan Stockholm
10th Toftemark 6tet Søhesten
20th Booked for privat gig
20th Casper Christensen 4 Charlie Scotts
24th Andreas Toftemark Quartet Templet Lyngby
28th Jam Host at La Fontaine
7th 17-19 Toftemark Trio Rabarbarbar
7th 21-23 Anders Malta's Almost Bigband Christiania Jazz
9th A Plane To Catch Winter Jazz at Cafe Pixie
11th Jam Host La Fontaine
12th Monday Night Bigband Paradise Jazz
16th Jesper Shierling Trio 20-22
22nd Jesper Shierling Trio
23rd Charlie Scotts A Plane To Catch
24th Gade Ensemble Aarhus Masterclass
24th A Plane To Catch Kayak Bar
28th Holst 4 Søhesten
1st 16-17 booked for a private event
1st 21-01 4tet at La Fontaine
2nd A Plane To Catch Christianias Jazzclub
3rd Jam Host at La Fontaine
6th 7th 21-23 Anders Malta's Almost Bigband Christiania Jazz
9th Andreas Toftemark Jazzcup Cph 14.40-16.30
14th Bardeleben 4 Charlie scotts
14/15th Recording session A Plane To Catch
16th Kira Martini La Fontaine
17th Andreas Toftemark Quartet Palæbar
20th Andreas Toftemark Quartet Søhesten
25th Monday Night Bigband Paradise Jazz
27th Oh People Søhesten
29th Shierling Trio Marstrand
30th La Fontaine Toftemark 4 La Fontaine
31th Jam Host La Fontaine
3rd 21-23 Anders Malta's Almost Bigband Christiania Jazz
5th C. Andersen Group feat V.Gould - Søllerød Jazz Klub
6th C. Andersen Group feat V.Gould - Utopia Jazzklub
7th C. Andersen Group feat V.Gould - Ballerup Jazzklub
10th C. Andersen Group feat V.Gould - Gladsaxe Jazzklub
11th C. Andersen Group feat V.Gould - Workshop
11th Private gig 16-19
11th C. Andersen Group feat V.Gould - Nimb
12th C. Andersen Group feat V.Gould Jazzværket i Bradbjerg
13th C. Andersen Group feat V.Gould jazzklub 93 Holsterbro
13th C. Andersen Group feat V.Gould Søpavillionen
14th C. Andersen Group feat V.Gould Palæbar
28th Jamhost La Fontaine
29th Monday Night Bigband Paradise Jazz
3rd 21-23 Anders Malta's Almost Bigband Christiania Jazz
4th Gade Ensemblet Odense Tba
5th Jamhost La Fontaine
10th Shierling Trio Marstrand
11th booked for a private engangment
22nd Jazz 9TUS Tba
23rd Niclas Bardelebens Store Aften Charlie Scotts
24th Shierling Trio Marstrand
25th Private gig D'angletere
26th Jam host La Fontaine
29th Thiago Duarte Søhesten
31st Aarhus Anton Langebæk Trio
1st Vejslev duo Nv Tba
5th 21-23 Anders Malta's Almost Bigband Christiania Jazz
6th Charlie Scotts
7th Shierling Trio at Marstrand
8th Booked for a Private Gig
12th Toftemark Quartet Flame Jazz Helsinki
13th Toftemark Quartet Lathi Jazz
18th Grøndalslund kirke 17-19 Malene Kjærgård N.O Band
22nd Placa Jazz Trio 20.30- 23
23rd Solskinds Band Reffen
27th Bardelebens store Aften Charlie Scotts
28th Placa Jazz Trio 20.30- 23
29th Placa Jazz Trio 20.30- 23
4th A Plane To Catch Kayak Bar
5th Jesper Shierling Trio Marstrand 15-17
6th Jesper Shierling Trio Marstrand 15-17
6th 20-22 A Plane To Catch Studenterhuset
7th 16-18 Monday Night Bigband kongenshave
7th 21-23 Maltas Almost Bigband Christianias Jazz Club
8th 21-23 Monday night Bigband Paradise Jazz
9th 24-04 Jam Host La Fontaine
10th 16 -17 Rolf Thofte 5tet -Gråbrødre Torv
10th 20-22 Rolf Thofte 5tet Søhesten
10th 24-04 Jam Host Lafontaine
11th A plane To Catch Charlie Scotts Cph Jazzfestival
12th Shierling Trio Marstrand 15-17
12th 20-22 Foxman/ Toftemark 4 Søhesten
13th 16.30-18.30 A Plane To Catch Jazz & Roots
13th 19-20 Toftemark Group Byhaven
14th 14-16 Anders Maltas Almost Bigband H9
14th 20-22 Andreas Toftemark Quartet Studenterhuset
14th 24-04 La Fontaine Jam Host
16th Aarhus Jazzfestival Tir Na Nog -Toftemark/Norman 4tet
19 Aarhus Jazzfestival Toftemark/Norman 4tet Erlings ølbar
25th-27th Samsø Jazz Rolf Thofte 5'tet
31st A Plane To Catch Anholt
1st A Plane To Catch Anholt TBA
2nd A Plane To Catch Langeland
3rd Toftemark Quartet Østersø Jazz Festival
3rd booked for private evening gig
4th Solskind Østersø jazz Festival
4th - 9th - Summer Jazz camp
10th booked for a Private gig
16th Elias Bendix Band Huset i Maghstrædet
17th 21 -23 Charlie Scotts Christensen/Lindberg/Mørck
21st private morning gig 8.30-9
22nd Casper Christensen Trio Odense Tba
24th Booked for a private gig 13-16
24th 18-19 Torvehallerne
24th Place Libary Bar 20.30- 23
29th Gammeltorv 16.30-18.30
30th Charlie Scotts Lea Foxman
31st 17-19 booked for a private gig
31st Shierling Trio Marstrand
3rd Love La Fontaine
4th Holst 4 Søhesten
5th Jazz på Tværs - Andreas Toftemark 5'tet
6th A Plane To Catch Svaneke Gaarden
7th Private afternoon gig
7th Solskinds Band Kolme kl 20
7th Holst 4 Charlie Scotts 21-23
8th Jam session La Fontaine Holst
12th Toftemark 4tet Rannøre 16-18
12 Solskindgs band Ranøre kl 18 - 20
13th Charlie Scotts Tba
14th Chris Andersen Trio Restaurant Hertadalen 15.30-18
14th Booked for a Private gig 19-22
16th Monday Night Bigband Paradise Jazz
26 Paradise Jazz Toftemark 6tet
28th Charlie Scotts Rolf Thofte 5tet
29th Jam Host La Fontaine w. Rune Fogh & Emil
2nd Søhesten Tba
4th Booked for a private gig
5th Charlie Scotts Tba
6th 17-20 Oh People Palæ Bar
10th Charlie Scott Schmidt 4
11th Toftemark 4'tet La Fontaine
12th A Plane To Catch Release Concert Christians havns beboerhus
14th Monday Night Bigband Paradise Jazz
15th A Plane To Catch Børne Jazz Kolding
16th - 30th Inspirational trip to New York .
31st A Plane To Catch Paradise Jazz
1st Christmas Gig Tuborg
2nd Booked for private gig 16.30-18.30
2nd Charlie Scotts A Plane To Catch
8th Library Bar
9th Lea Foxman 4'tet La Fontaine
14th Jam session Juret Oslo
15th Private gig Oslo
18th Monday Night Bigband Paradise Jazz
20th A Plane To Catch Søhesten 20-22
21st Badelebens Store Aften - Charlie Scotts
22nd Library Bar
24th Jam Host La Fontaine w. Roland & Tba
28th Brazil Trio Vivaldi Cph
29th Library Bar
11th Rolf Thofte 5tet at Søhesten
12th Chris Andersen Trio Soho House
16th MNBB Christmas Show
18th + 19th Studio Session w. Rolf Thofte 5tet
20th Private gig Brønnum
21st Library Bar Jazz Trio 20.30-23
22nd Jam Host La Fontaine w. Carl Sayer & Rune Fog
28th Library bar Jazz Trio 20.30 - 23
30th Langebæk Duo Torvehallerne
31st Nytårs Jazz Rørvig Jazz Festival
31st New Years gig at Radisson
16/17th recording upcoming album with Toftemark Quartet
18th - 31st Brazil Tour
19th 10 ópera de arame.
22-24 Wonka Bar
21st 15-17.30 ópera de arame.
21-23 Ponto Jazz
22nd ópera de arame.
24th tba Dizzys Eduardo Mercuri Trio
29th Alright beer
9pm : Hard Rock Cafe
30th: Yada bar
3rd 20.30 -22.30 Andreas Toftemark Quartet at Hornbæk Jazzklub
6th Monday Night Bigband Paradise Jazz
8th Toftemark and Friends at Søhesten
9th Vejslev Exploration Quartet Bar 50
23th A Plane To Catch Kayak Bar
24th Gade ensemblet 20-22 Maribo Musik Forening
25th Gade Ensemblet Workshop Aarhus
26th Jam Host La Fontaine 21 - 01
3rd Anders Malta Bigband Christianias Jazzclub
5th Jam host at La Fontaine
11th private gig
13th Monday Night Bigband Paradise Jazz
18th booked for private gig
19th Jam Host at La Fontaine
26th 15-17 Andreas Toftemark Quartet at Gentofte Jazzklub
30th Booked for private gig
31 A Plane To Catch La Fontaine
5th A Plane To Catch Søhesten
7th Anders Malta Bigband Christianias Jazzclub
7th Elias Bendix Group Operaen
9th Trio Ølstykke Kirke
14thStudio Elias Bendix
14th Trio gig Sif Klampenborg
15th Studio Elias Bendix
15th Casper Christensen 4tet Charlie Scotts
21st JazzHouse Kolding A Plane To Catch
23rd La Fontaine Jam Host
24th Monday Night Bigband Paradise Jazz
29th Galleri Knægt Bogense 13-15
29th booked for a private gig -19-20
29th 21-23 A Plane To Catch La Fontaine
3rd A Plane To Catch Release party Søhesten
5th Booked for private gig 17-19
5th Malta Bigband Christianias Jazz Club 21 - 23
6th booked for a private gig
10th Toftemark Group at Søhesten
12th Bramstrup gods 18-19
12th oh People Quintet at Charlie Scotts
13th A Plane To Catch Nexø Jazz
26th Bramstrup Gods 18-19
1st booked for private gig
2nd Anders Malts Bigband at Christianias Jazzclub
3rd Charlie Scotts Casper Christensen 4
9th Booked for private gig
10th booked for private gig
19th Toftemark 6tet akvariet RMC
22nd Tovehallerne w. Anton Langebæk
23rd Trio at 65grader
24th Booked for private gig
30th A Plane To Catch Studenterhuset Kbh 20-22
30th 00-04 Jam host at La Fontaine
1st Oh People Christianshavns Beboerhus
2nd Monday Night Bigband Kongens Have 14-16.30
3rd Monday Night Bigband Paradise Jazz 20-22
4th Andreas Toftemark 4tet at La Fontaine 20-24
5th Kaisa's Machine Søhesten 20-22
6th Kaisa's Machine Musikhuset Kbh 19-20.15
6th A Plane To Catch Charlie Scotts CPH Jazz Festival
7th Toftemark/Duarte Brazil Trio Den Sorte Diamant
7th Oh People Søhesten
8th Thiago Duarte Brazil Quartet - Søhesten
9th Malta Almost Bigband H9 15-17
9th Malta Almost Bigband at Christianias Jazzclub 21-23
9th Jam Host La Fontaine 00-05 am
15th Hempel Jazz Festival - Oh People
26th Oh People Sorø Jazz
29th booked for private gig
30th Sønderborg Jazz Festival
31st Sønderborg Jazz Festival
2nd Oh People Quintet Nykøbing Sj. Jazz Festival 19-21
5th 17-19 H15 Danse hatten
12th Booked for private gig
5th 20-22 Villa Hotel Courtyard Langebæk Trio
11th booked for a private gig
12th booked for a private gig
16th Toftemark 6'tet søhesten
19th A Plane To Catch Soul Garden
24th A Plane To Catch Christianias Jazz Club
25th booked for private gig
26th booked for private afternoon gig
26th booked for private evening gig
30th Glas Salen Tivoli Cph BENT JÆDIG AWARD
2nd A Plane To Catch Bartof Station
3rd Soho Souse w. Jordan Jackson Band
17th Jam. host La Fontaine
18th Monday Night Bigband
19th Bella Centret, Windfeldt/Haxholm/Schmidt
20th Søhesten Toftemark and Friends
DK Tour Toftemark/ Benack Us 5´tet
21st Paradise Jazzclub
22nr Flensborghus (Ger)
23rd Termandsen
24th Muzikhuset Bornholm
25th Uthopia (Swe)
26th Masterclass Frederikshavn
27th Cafe Støj
28th Giant Steps
29th La Fontaine
30th La Fontaine
31th Jam Host La Fontaine
4th Toftemark/Benack Dig Festival Helsinki
7th Brighton Jazz Festival
11th Vejslev Exploration Band baldertoppen Live 19.30
13th Toftemark Quartet Cite Universite Jazz Festival Paris
15th Quatier Rouge
16th Monday Night Bigband Stardust
19th A Plane To Catch Paradise Jazz Klub
27th 18-20 booked for a private gig
27th 20.30-23 The Trio at Libary Bar Placa Hotel
3rd Booked for a private gig at Tuborg
10th Booked for private gig 18-20
10th Gig La Fontaine 21-01
11th Anders malta bigand Krudt Tønden
15th Rolf Thofte 5tet Søhesten
17th Toftemark 6'tet Christianias Jazz Club
19th Jam Session la Fontaine
20th Monday Night Bigband Stardust
24th A Plane To Catch Unge- og Kulturhuset - Grinsted
25th Trio at Gamble Cph
26th Gade Ensemblet Haderslev Jazzklub
3rd Jam hoast La Fontaine
6th A Plane To Catch Lyngby Torbæk jazz Club
8th Oh People Charlie Scotts
9th Recording session DKDM
9th Trio at Libary Bar - Place Hotel
14/15th Recording session Op People
18th Monday Night Bigband
22nd Charlie scotts Tba
28th Norman/Sørensen/Henriksson La Fontaine
29th W. Norman/Sørensen/Henriksson Christianias JazzClub
31st New Year Gig Casper Christensen Trio at Radison Copenhagne
5th Lake House Jazz Club - CANCELED
6th Søhesten - CANCELED
5th Anders Malta Bigband at Christiania Jazz Club - CANCELED
7th Lafontine - CANCELED
8TH Christiania Jazz Club Groove group - CANCELED
2th Anders Malta Almost Bigband
3rd Dwayne Clemons 5tet at Søhesten 20-22.30
10 Chris Andersen Trio at Andersen and Maillard 16-18
11th Duo at Roots østebrogade19. 18-20
12th Jesper Shierling trio at Gotland 20
19th Jesper Shierling trio at Gotland 20 - 22
19th A Plane To Catch at Christiania's Jazz Club 22.30
23th Toftemark Group at Søhesten
26th Gade Ensemble MGK workshop 12.00
26th Gade Ensemble 18-19 Musikhuset Kbh
27th Vejrslev Exploration band at Bar 50 Copenhagen
(3rd - 23rd Vacation New York )
6th Jackson Scott band at Anyway Cafe NYC
10th 19-21 Bar Belly NYC
12th Red Room NYC
15th Anyway Cafe 17-20
17th Bar Belly NYC 19-21
20th Anyway Cafe NYC 17-19.30
21st Anyway Cafe NYC 17-19.30
26th Gotland Winebar with Shirling Trio
30 Toftemark quartet at Paradise Jazz Club CPH
1st Swing 5tet at Charlie Scotts
5th Hov Mester Jam session Opening 19-23
6th Chris Andersen band at Babylon 20-23
7th Vejrslev Exprolration band at Søhesten
9th Shierling trio at Gotland vinbar
16th A Plane To Catch at Funkes
22nd Toftemark Quartet at Charlie Scotts
23rd Gotland Winebar with Shirling Trio
24th - 30th In Trondheim
4th Recordingsession with Oh People Quintet
5th Chris Andersen Trio Illum
5th Chris Andersen Trio at Andersen and Maillard 16-18
6th 10-12 Chris Andersen Trio privat
6th Roots Wine
7th booked for private gig
7th Gotland Winebar with Shirling Trio
13th Afternoon private gig
13th A Plane To Catch at Charlie Scotts
14th Vejslev Exploration Band release concert at Bartof station
14th Andreas Toftemark Quartet at Posten Dexter
17th Andreas Toftemark Quartet at Montmatre - new date pending due to construction of acoustics at the club
18th Oden Odense 14-16.30w. Christensen/Mørck/Toftemark
18th Due/ Toftemark quartet Søhesten. 20-22
19th sommer 4tet Søhesten
21st Gotland Winebar with Shirling Trio
Intim koncert ved Fredensborg Slot
26th Toftemark group Søhesten
28th Toftemark Duo opening event Odense Letbane
9th Anton Langebæk trio stævns. Tba
10th Casper Christensen Trio Vintapperstrædet Odense.
12th Mørck/Christensen/Toftemark
15th 19-21 Mørck/Christensen/Toftemark at Søpavillionen Cph
16th Casper Christensen Group søhesten
17th booked for private gig
18th booked for private gig
24th Toftemark 16-18 Trio Den Sorte Diamant
24th 22- 24 A Plane To Catch at Kayak Bar
25th Anton Langebæk trio in Aarhus. Tba
26th 14-16 Langebæk trio at Ørsted og Flint
26th 21-23 The Supreme Court feat. Toftemark at Charlie Scotts Cph
29th Casper C Trio in Bogense 19-21.00
30th Casper Christensen Trio vintapperstrædet Odense 12-14
30th C. Andersen Band -Hardgrove tribute. Lakehouse Jazzclub 19-21
(Cph Jazzfestival)
1st 15-17.00 Gotland Winebar with Shirling Trio
2nd 20-22 Toftemark Group at Søhesten
2nd 24-04 Jam Host with Andreas Fryland at la Fontaine
3rd 17-19Monday Night Bigband Islandsbrygge Kulturhus
3rd 19-21 Due/Toftemark 5tet at Hovmester
3rd 21.30 -23 Benack III/ Toftemark Quintet at Funke Cph.
4th 18-20 Toftemark/Benack 5tet at Musikhuset København
4th 20-22 Monday Night Bigband Huset
4th 24-04 La Fontaine Jam Host
5th 21-24 Toftemark/Benack 5tet Hov Mester
6th 20-24 A Plane To Catch at La Fontaine
7th Andreas Toftemark Quartet at Studenterhuset København
8th 20-23 Toftemark/Due Quintet at musikhuset
9th 15-17.00 Gotland Winebar with Shirling Trio
12th Andreas Toftemar Quartet At Aarhus Jazz Festival
13th Lakehouse Jazz Club Sherning/Højgaard/Toftemark 19-21
14th Oh People Quintet Kolding I Toner
16th Christensen/Mørck/ Toftemark Hempel Jazzfestival
16th Christensen/Mørck/ Toftemark Hempel Jazzfestival
17'th Christensen/Mørck/ Toftemark Tranekjær slot
23rd Andreas Toftemark Quartet at Festival and Friends Cph
24th Christensen/Mørck/ Toftemark Tba
29th Casper Christensen trio Galleri Nækt kl 19
30th Samsø Jazz festival A Plane To Catch
6th 18 -20 A Plane To Catch Østersø Jazz Festival Bornholm
6th after party 22- 24 A Plane To Catch Østersø Jazz Festival Bornholm
7th 12 - 14 Thofte/Toftemark Quintet Østersø jazz festival
13.-14. Workshop young tallents for Jacob Gades talentprogram
13th evening private gig
18th Gade Ensemblet Aabenraa
19th booked for private gig
20th booked for private gig
20th evening booked for private gig
29th Local Spirits groove 4tet
2nd Malta Bigband Christianias Jazzclub
3rd A Plane To Catch La Fontaine
4th La Fontaine Jam Host
11th Gade Enemblet at Louisiana
24th A Plane To Catch mellemfolkeligt Samvirke 14-16
25th Andreas Toftemark Quartet Musikhuzet Bornholm
11th Jazz Jam Svendborg
13th Gade Ensemblet giant Steps Svendborg
12th Chris Andersen 4tet at Søpavillionen
17th Toftemark Quartet Cité International jazz Fest 20-2
20th Andreas Nicolai Bologne Italy
21t Andreas Nicolai Bologne Italy
29th La Fontaine med Kira Martini
30th Jam Host La Fontaine
1st Toftemark and Friends a La Gare paris
10th Cnsmd bigband Paris
22nd cnsmdp bigband paris
24th cnsmdp bigband paris
26th Luc Klein band Bear's House Tulouse
7th Paradis Jazz Andreas Toftemark Quartet
19th Monday night bigband Huset Xenon
30th Oh people La Fontaine Copenhagen 21 - 001
7th Quartet at Søhesten Dk
22th Quartet at Søhesten Dk
4th Don't Laugh I Got A Plane To Catch
live at søhesten
16th 4'tet live at Søhesten
2/7 20.00 Andreas Toftemar Quartet - Musikhuset København
5/7 13.00 Anders Malta Big Band - Bartof Station
8/7 Don't Laugh I've Got A Plane To Catch - Musikhuset København 14.30
8/7 Toftemark Group - Søhesten 20-22
9/7 Andreas Toftemark Quartet - Beta 19:30.
9/7 21.30 Mads Nørgaard Outlet
10/7 19.00 Anders Malta Big band - Christiania Jazz Club
10/7 21.00 Don't Laugh I've Got A Plane To Catch - Søhesten
11/ 13.00 Chris Andersen Trio at Vintage Coffe
13/7 18.00 Gade Maven
13/7 21.00 Anton Langebæk Trio at Tango y Vinos
14/7 Jesper Shierling Trio at Gotland
21/7 Jesper Shierling Trio at Gotland
24/7 15 Andreas Toftemark Quartet live at Radius Distillery
24/7 20.00 Toftemark Quartet at Søhesten
31/7 Casper Christensen Trio Odense Jazz Festival
1st Casper Christensen Trio at Langeland
4th Anders Malta Big Band at Christiania Jazz Club
13th Don't Laugh I've Got A Plane To Catch - Søhesten
14th 15-17 private gig.
14th Toftemark Trio at Søhesten
18th Ciniglio/Højgaard/Toftemark Trio at Søhesten
20th Booked for a private gig
21st 18.00 Bahghi Yemane -Amsterdam Jazz Festival
21st 20.000 Bahghi Yemane -Amsterdam Jazz Festival
22nd 15.00 Bahghi Yemane -Amsterdam Jazz Festival
28th 21.00 Toftemark Group at Charlie Scotts
1th 20- 22 Anders Malta Bigband Christianias JazzClub
1st 23.50 Don't Laugh I Got A Plane To Catch - Love La Fontaine
4th 18.00 Toftemark Group at Kudeta Bar Frederiksberg
4th private concert
9th 20.00 Don't Laugh I've Got A Plane To Catch at Søhesten
18th Don't Laugh I've Got A Plane To Catch at La Fontaine
22nd 20.00 Toftemark Group at Søhesten
25th booked for a private gig
28th Hov mester session opening
2nd Rasmus Iversen trio at Curfew 20-22
2nd Galathea Kroen session opening
6th Anders Malta Bigband at Christianias Jazz Club
8th 18-20 private booking
9th 15-18 Trio Jazz at Helgoland
10th 15-17Andreas Toftemark Quartet at Bartof Station
11th Monday Night Big band at Paradise Jazzclub Cph
13th Toftemark Group at Søhesten
15th Toftemark Trio live at KulturNatten Kbh
21st Don't Laugh I've Got A Plane To Catch Søhesten
28th lasse Sherning Group Søhesten
3rd Anders Malta Bigband at Christianias Jazz Club
5th booked for a private gig
11th Good Radio - Søhesten
12nd booked for private gig
13th Vejslev Exploration Band - Christianshavns beboerhus
13th Don't Laugh I've Got A Plane To Catch - Christiania's Jazz Club
14th - 20th this period of time is reserved for further studies in Berlin
20th jam hoast at Galathe Kroen
21st Chris Andersen Trio at Rabarber Bar.
22nd Monday Night big band paradise Jazzclub
24th Højgaard/Ciniglio/Toftemark Trio - Søhesten
25th Højgaard/Ciniglio/Toftemark Trio På Taget Odense
26th Højgaard/Ciniglio/Toftemark Trio -Christianias Jazzclub
27th bigband gig at Odd fellow
27th Højgaard/Ciniglio/Toftemark Trio - galathea kroen
28th Højgaard/Ciniglio/Toftemark Trio - Rabarbaer Bar
28th Andreas Toftemark Jam host at La Fontaine
1st Anders Malta Bigband at Christianias Jazz Club
2nd Toftemark Group at Søhesten!
3rd booked for a private gig
5th Chris Anderson Trio. at Rbarbarbar
6th jam host at Danish jazz Music Awards
10th booked for a private gig
11th Don't Laugh I've Got A Plane To Catch - La Fontaine
14th booked for a private event
8'th 8-10 pm Toftemark Quartet at Søhesten Copenhagen
12'th 5-7.30 Toftemark trio at Anyway Cafe
15'th 7.30-10.30pm Toftemark quartet at Jules Bistro st. Marks
19'th Toftemark Trio live at Anyway Cafe
21'st 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Food Hall
22'nd 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Food Hall
23'rd 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Food Hall
24'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Food Hall
26'th 5-7.30 Toftemark trio at Anyway Cafe
28'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Food Hall
29'th 7.30-10.30pm Toftemark quartet at Jules Bistro st. Marks
30'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Food Hall
31'st 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Food Hall
1st 5-7.30 Toftemark Trio at Anyway Cafe
4th 5.30 - 7.30 Toftemark duo at Great Nothern Food Hall
5th 5.30 - 7.30 Toftemark duo at Great Nothern Food Hall
8.00 - 11.00 Toftemark Trio at Her Name was Carmen
6th 5.30 - 7.30 Toftemark duo at Great Nothern Food Hall
7th 5.30 - 7.30 Toftemark duo at Great Nothern Food Hall
8th 11-02 am Toftemark Quartet at The Red Room
9th 5-7.30 Toftemark Trio at Anyway Cafe
11th 5.30 - 7.30 Toftemark duo at Great Nothern Food Hall
12th 5.30 - 7.30 Toftemark duo at Great Nothern Food Hall
14th 5.30 - 7.30 Toftemark duo at Great Nothern Food Hall
15th 11-02 am Toftemark Quartet at The Red Room
16th 5-7.30 Toftemark Trio at Anyway Cafe
18th 5.30 - 7.30 Toftemark duo at Great Nothern Food Hall
19th 5.30 - 7.30 Toftemark duo at Great Nothern Food Hall
20th 5.30 - 7.30 Toftemark duo at Great Nothern Food Hall
21st 5.30 - 7.30 Toftemark duo at Great Nothern Food Hall
22nd 11-02 am Toftemark Quartet at The Red Room
23rd 5-7.30 Toftemark Trio at Anyway Cafe
25th 5.30 - 7.30 Toftemark duo at Great Nothern Food Hall
26th 5.30 - 7.30 Toftemark duo at Great Nothern Food Hall
8.00 - 11.00 Toftemark trio at Jules Bistro
27th 5.30 - 7.30 Toftemark duo at Great Nothern Food Hall
28th 5.30 - 7.30 Toftemark duo at Great Nothern Food Hall
29th 7-9 Anyway Cafe with Jackson Scott
29th 11-02 am Toftemark Quartet at The Red Room
1st 5-7.30 Toftemark Trio at Anyway Cafe
3rd Toftmark Trio at GNF
4th 5- 7 Toftmark Trio at GNF
4th 8- 11 Toftmark Trio at anyway cafe
5'th 5- 7 Toftmark Trio at GNF
6'th Toftemark Trio at GNF
7'th 7-9 Anyway Cafe with Toftemark Trio
7th 11-02 am Toftemark Quartet at The Red Room
8th Toftemark Duo at Anyway Cafe
10th 5- 7 Toftmark Trio at GNF
11th 5- 7 Toftmark Trio at GNF
13th Toftemark Trio at Penny Joe's 8-11
14'th Toftemark 4'tet at Red Room
15'th Toftemark Trio at Anyway Cafe
6th 8-10 Chris Andersen Trio at Beviamo
11/6 15-17 Chris Ansersen Trio Almanak
20th 8-10 Chris Andersen Trio at Beviamo
19th 15-17 Chris Ansersen Trio Almanak
31st Gade Ensemblet live at Musik Syndikatet
7th Toftemark Quartet at Musik Syndikatet
8'th Toftemark Trio at Admiral Hotel
9th Good Radio at Musik Syndikatet
28th booked for a private gig
Toftemark Quartet live at Danish Radio P8 Fredagsscenen.
9'th 5.30-7.30 Great Nothern food Hall with Boaz Marva
10'th Tannat Wine Inwood 8-10pm with Mathias Højgaard
12'th 9-12pm Red Room with Rasmus Sørensen and Bass
16'th 5.30-7.30 Great Nothern Food H.with Pat Brennan
17’th Tannat 8-10 Mathias Højgaard
19’th TOFTEMARK STANDARD QUARTET REDROOM 11-01am feat. Pitarch, Karoutzos, Iverson.
20’th Jackson s band Anyway Cafe 8-10. Myles.s and Jackson
20’th Toftemark and friends 10-12. Live at Anyway
24’th 8-10pm Tannat with Mathias
30’th 5.-7.pm G.N.F with John Merrill
30’th 7.30-10.30 Jules Bistro Toftemark Trio feat. Alon Near and Michael Valeanu
31’st Tannat Wine & Cheese 8-10 with @Mathias.
2’nd 6-9am Toftemark trio at Norman Green Point
2’nd 11-02pm Toftemark and Friends Live at the Red Room
5’th 8-11 Anyway Cafe Jackson S. trio
6’th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Food Hall
7’th 8-10 Toftemark duo at Tannat Wine & Cheese
9’th 11-02pm Toftemark and Friends at Red Room
13’th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Food Hall
14’th 8-10 Toftemark duo at Tannat Wine & Cheese
16’th 11-02pm Toftemark and Friends at Red Room
20’th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Food Hall
21 ’th 8-10 Toftemark duo at Tannat Wine & Cheese
27’th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Food Hall
28 ’th 8-10 Toftemark duo at Tannat Wine & Cheese
2’nd 11-02 Toftemark and Friends at Red Room
6’th Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Food Hall
7’th Toftemark duo at Tannat Wine & Cheese
8’th 11-02 Toftemark and Friends at Red Room
13’th 8-10 Søhesten with Andreas Svendsen
14’th The Hat Bar
15’th The Hat Bar
16’thThe Hat Bar
17’th The Hat Bar
20’th Troost
21’st De Peper
26’th Tba
27’th Christanias Jazz Club
28’th H9
New York
30’th 11-02 Toftemark and Friends at Red Room
3'rd 5.30-7.30pm Great Nothern Foodhall with Pat Brennan
4'th 7-9 pm Tannat in Inwood with Steve Lazy on guitar
5'th 5-8 Great Nothern Foodhall with Tal Klein and Vocalist Crystal Rose
6'th 5-8 Great Nothern Foodhall with Pat Brennan and Vocalist
6'th 8-12 at Winnie's Jazz Bar with Rara Soso on Piano and kim Carlos on Bass
7'th 12- 02 am The Red Room with Andreu P, pat Brennan and Sol Gottfried on Bass
9'th Tannat with Steve Lazy
10'th 5-8 Great Nothern Foodhall with Pat brennan
12'th 5.30- 7.30pm Great Nothern Foodhall With Tal Klein and Dana the Singer
13'th. Great Nothern Foodhall with Lisa Gary and Garret Manley
13'th 11-02 am The Red Room/KGB bar with Felix Moseholm and Michael Valeanu
16'th 8-10pm Tannat in Inwood with Steve Lazy on guitar
17'th 5.30-7.30pm Great Nothern Foodhall with Pat Brennan
18'th 8-10pm Tannat in Inwood with Steve Lazy on guitar
19'th 5.30- 7.30pm Great Nothern Foodhall With Tal Klein and Dana the Singer
19'th 1-02am Trio Live at The Red Room with Myles Sloniker and Rasmus S.
20'th 4-7pm Great Nothern Foodhall with Pat Brennan and Cemre Necefbas
21'st 4.30-7.30pm Anyway cafe Lower east, with Pat Brennan
23'rd 5.30-7.30pm Great Nothern Foodhall with Myles Sloniker.
23'rd 8-10pm Tannat in Inwood with Steve Lazy on guitar
24'th 5.30- 7.30pm Great Nothern Foodhall with Pat Brennan
24'th 8-11pm Anyway cafe Lower east, with Pat Brennan and Kimon Karoutzo
25'th 5.30- 7.30pm Great Nothern Foodhall with Olli Soeikeli
25'th 8-10pm Tannat in Inwood with Steve Lazy on guitar
26'th 5.30- 7.30pm Great Nothern Foodhall with Lisa Gary and Garret Manley
26'th 11-02am Trio Live at The Red Room with Mathias Højgaard and Rasmus S.
27'th 4-7pm Great Nothern Foodhall with Pat Brennan and cemre necefbas
28'th 4.30-7.30pm Anyway cafe Lower east, with Pat Brennan
30'th 5.30- 7.30pm Great Nothern Foodhall with Steve Lacey
1'st Carmen
2'nd GNF
2'nd Tannat
3'rd GNF with Lisa Garet and Garret Manley
4'th GNF John Merril Venisha Gould
4'th Red Room
5'th Silvana
7'th GNF with Boaz
8'th GNF with Pat
9'th GNF
9'th Tannat
10'th GNF with Lisa Garry and Adam Moenzinia
10'th Anyway Cafe with jazkson Scott
11'th GNF with lizzy
11'th Red Room
14'th GNF with Steve Nelson
15'th GNF with Michael Valeanu
16'th GNF with Pat
16'th Tannat with Steve Lacey
17'th GNF with Charles Turner the 3'rd and Adam menzinia
17'th Red Room 11-02 am with Mathias and
18'th GNF
19'th Anyway Cafe with Peter Bernstein
21'st GNF with Pannas
22'nd her Name was Carmen with Michael valeanu
23'rd GnF
23'rd Tannat
24'th GNF with Garret Fowler and Lisa Gary
25'th GNF with Boaz Marva and Lisa Gary
27'th Tannat with Paolo Grossi and Andreas Nicolai
28'th GNF with Michael Valeanu
29'th GNF with Pat Brennan
29'th jules Bistro with Alon Near and Par Brennan
30'th GNF
31'st GNF
5.30 - 7.30pm Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
11-02am Toftemark Quartet live at The Red Room
2'nd 5 - 8pm Toftemark Trio at Anyway Cafe 2'nd street
3'rd 8-10 pm Toftemark Duo at Tannat Inwood
4'th 5.30 - 7.30 pm Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
5'th 5.30 - 7.30 pm Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
6'th 5.30 - 7.30 pm Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
3-6 pm Toftemark Trio at The Great Nothern Foodhall
11-02 am Toftemark Quartet live at The Red Room
8'th 3-6 pm Toftemark Trio at The Great Nothern Foodhall
10'th 8-11 Toftemark Trio at Her Name Was Carmen in Soho
12'th 5.30 - 7.30 pm Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
13'th 5.30 - 7.30 pm Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
5.30-7.30 pm Toftemark Trio at The Great Nothern Foodhall
11-02 am Toftemark Quartet live at The Red Room
5.30 - 7.30 pm Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
8-12 pm Jackson Scott band at Anyway Cafe
16'th 5-8 pm Jackson Scott band at Anyway Cafe
17'th 8-11 Toftemark Trio at Her Name Was Carmen in Soho
19'th 5.30 - 7.30 pm Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
5.30 - 7.30 pm Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
8-11pm Toftemark Trio at Her Name Was Carmen
5.30 - 7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
3- 6 pm Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
8 - 11 J. Scott band at Anyway Cafe
11-02 am Toftemark Quartet live at The Red Room
7-10 pm Toftemark Trio at Her Name Was Carmen
5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
8-11 Toftemark Trio at Jules Bistro
27'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
11-02 am Toftemark Quartet live at The Red Room
29'th 3-6 Toftemark trio at The Great Nothern Foodhall
30'th 5-8 Toftemark trio at Anyway Cafe
1'st 7-10 pm Toftemark Trio at Her Name Was Carmen
3'rd 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
7'th 8-11 J- Scott band at Anyway Cafe
8'th 7-10 pm Toftemark Trio at Her Name Was Carmen
9'th 8-11 Toftemark Trio at Anyway Cafe
10'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
11'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
12'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
13'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
8.00- 11.00 J. Scott band at Anyway Cafe
11.00-02.00 Toftemark Quartet The Red Room
14'th 5.00-8.00 Toftemark Duo at Anyway Cafe
15'th 7-10 pm Toftemark Trio at Her Name Was Carmen
16'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
17'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
18'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
19'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
8.00- 11.00 J. Scott band at anyway Cafe
20'th 3.00-6.00pm Toftemark Trio at The Great Nothern Foodhall
21'st 5.00-8.00 Toftemark Duo at Anyway Cafe
7.00- 10.00 Pat Brennan Trio at Milton
23'rd 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
24'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
25'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
26'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
27'th 3.00-6.00pm Toftemark Trio at The Great Nothern Foodhall
31'st 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
8.00-10.00 Toftemark Trio at Jules bistro
1'st 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
2'nd 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
3'rd 4.00-7.00 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
11.00-02.00 Toftemark Quartet at The Red Room
4'th 5 - 8 pm Toftemark duo at Anyway Cafe
7'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
8'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
9'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
11.00-02.00 Toftemark Quartet at The Red Room
10'th 4-7 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
11.00-02.00 Toftemark Quartet at The Red Room
31'st 1-4pm Booked for private event
8-11 Christopher Andersen Trio at Beviamo Copenhagen
4'th 7-10 Toftemark Trio at Her Name Was Carmen
5'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
6'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
11.00-02.00 Toftemark Quartet at The Red Room
7'th 4-7 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
11.00-02.00 Toftemark Quartet at The Red Room
10'th 7 - 10 Toftemark Trio at jules Bistro
11'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
12'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
13'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
14'th 4-7 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
15'th 5 - 8 pm Toftemark duo at Anyway Cafe
18'th 5 - 8 pm Toftemark duo at Anyway Cafe
7 -10 pm Toftemark Trio at Her name Was carmen
19'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
20'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
21'st 4-7 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
23'rd 5-8 Cemre Band at Spin NY
24'th 8-11 Toftemark Trio at Anyway Cafe
25'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
8 - 11 Toftemark Trio at jules Bistro
26'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
27'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
28'th 4-7 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
29'th 5-8 Toftemark trio at Anyway Cafe
30'th 5-8 Cemre Band at Spin NY
1'st 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
2'nd 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
3'rd 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
4'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
5'th 5-8 Toftemark trio at Anyway Cafe
11.00-02.00 Toftemark Quartet at The Red Room
7'th 8 - 11 Toftemark trio at Anyway Cafe
8'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
9'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
10'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
11'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
11 - 02 am Toftemark Trio at the Red Room
12'th 8 - 11pm j. Scott Band at Anyway Cafe
13'th Toftemark Trio at Anyway Cafe
16'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
8 - 11 Toftemark Trio at Sapoara Harlem
17'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
18'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
11- 02 pm Toftemark Quartet at The Red Room
19'th 8- 02 pm J. Scotte at Anyway Cafe
20'th 5 - 8 Toftemark Trio at Anyway Cafe
22'nd 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
23'rd5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
24'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
25'th 4-7 pm Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
26'th 11- 02 pm Toftemark Quartet at The Red Room
27'th 5 - 8 Toftemark Trio at Anyway Cafe
29'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
30'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
7.00 - 10.00 Toftemark Trio at Jules Bistro
31'st 8-11 J. Scott band at Anyway Cafe
5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
11-02 am Jackson Scottband at Red Room
5-7.30 pm Jackson Scott Duo at Anyway Cafe
11-02 Toftemak trio at Red Room
3rd 8-11 pmToftemark trio at Anyway Cafe
5'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
6'th 7-10 Toftemark Trio at Her Name Was Carmen
7'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
8'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
9'th Toftemark/Brennan Duo at Bar Belly
10'th 5-8 Toftemark Trio at Anyway Cafe
5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
8-11 Toftemark Trio at Anyway CAfe
13'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
14'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
15'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
5-8 Anyway Cafe
11-02 Red Room
17'th 5-8 Anyway Cafe
18'th 8-9 Warren Gala Quartet at LLC Bar Queens
5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
8-11 Zeb Stern Quartet at Garfuncle's
5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
J. Scott Trio at Anyway Cafe
22'nd Josh Dunn Band at Bar Belly
23'rd Play, areal meets Jazz in BK
24'th 5-8 Anyway Cafe
26'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
27'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
29'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
1'st 5-8 Anyway Cafe
3'rd 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
4'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
5'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
6'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
7'th 11-02 am Toftemark Quartet at Red Room NYC
8'th 5-8 Anyway Cafe
10'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
11'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
12'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
13'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
14'th 11-02 am Toftemark Quartet at Red Room NYC
9.30-10.30 Jackson Scott Club Gig NYC
15'th 5-8 Anyway Cafe
17'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
18'th 5.30-7.30 Toftemark Duo at The Great Nothern Foodhall
21'st 8-10 pmTerkel Nørregaard Trio at Teroiristen (DK)
1/ 13 booked for private gig
1/18 Toftemark and friends Jules Jazz club 7.30- 10.30
1/19 Bite duo with Theo Braun 7-10 pm
1/21 Anyway Cafe 5-8 pm Toftemark trio
1/ 24 Red Room Toftemark Quartet featuring Ethan Inverson, Malte Arndal and Joshh Allen
1/ 25 Bite 22 7-11 pm Joni Quartet
1/27 Toftemark and friends at Red Room
1/ 28 Shanty with Christopher Filancia and band.
1/31 Jules jazz club 7.30-10.30 pm Toftemark and friends
2/4 The Shanty 4-6pm Chris Anderson Trio
2/9 Red Room 11-02 am Toftemark and friends
2/11 The Shanty 4-6 pm Chris Andersen Trio
2/17 Anyway Cafe 5-8pm
2/18 The Shanti 4-6pm Chris Andersen Trio
2/21 Tomi Jazz 8-11pm Andrew Licata Trio
2/24 Anyway Cafe 5-8pm Toftemark Duo
2/25 The Shani 4-6pm Chris Andersen Trio
3/2 Toftemark and Friends 11-02am at Red Room
3/4 Great Northern food hall brunch trio gig
3/4 Shanti 4-6 Chris Andersen Trio
3/11 Great Northern food hall brunch trio gig 11-1pm
3/11 Anyway cafe Duo gig 5-8pm
3/12 Great Northern food hall brunch trio gig
3/12 6-8 Recital at The New School
Spain Tour Gustavo Trinoff Quartet march 17'th - May 1'st.
3/17 Arrecife Grand Hotel
3/18 Beach Bar Lanzarote
3/19 B-side
3/20 Hotel Esmareldaerelda
3/21 Hotel Ocean Dreams
3/22 Restaurant Marabu
3/23 El Piano De Cola
3/24 Furte Vida
3/25 Sunset Lounge
3/25 La Ballena
3/29 Hotel Esmeralda
3/30 Canela Cafe
3/31 Furte Action
4/1 Sunset Lounge
4/1 Diferente Playa Bar
4/3 Hotel Esmeralda
4/4 Hotel Ocean Dreams
4/5 Restaurant Marabu
4/6 Auditori La Oliva
4/7 Furte Vida
4/7 Bar Heinken
4/8 Sunset Lounge
4/10 Hotel Esmeralda
4/11HOtel Ocean Dreams
5/4 Toftemark and friends at Red Room
5/6 Toftemark Trio at the Shanty
5/13 Shanty
5/16 Toftemark Quartet at Jules Jazz club
5/19 Toftemark trio at Anyway
5/20 Toftemark Trio at The Shanty
5/25 Bite
5/26 Anyway
5/ 27 Shanty
6/1 Bite
6/2 Anyway
6/3 Shanty
6/ 8 Bite
6/9 Redroom
6/10 Shanty
6/15 Bite
6/16 Anyway 5-8
6/16 Anyway 9-10
6/17 Shanty 5-7
6/23 booked for private event
CPH Jazzfestival
7/6 Aurelio trio 1 Tovehallen 6-19
7/6 Toftemark/Vaht/Wiklund/Nørgaard Søhesten 8-10
7/7 Toftemark/Arndal/Højgaard Søhesten 20-22
7/8 Semey Quartet Bar50 20-227/9 Toftemark/Arndal/Højgaard Halmtorvet 9 13.30- 15.00
7/11 Semey/Rantal/Toftemark/ Arndal Halmtovet 9 20-10.30
7/12 Shierling trio HELIUM Cocktail Bar 20-23
7/13 Toftemark/Wiklund/Nørgaard/Mørck IDA Brygge 17-19.30
7/13 Shierling Trio Weltkuglen 20-237/14 Shierling Trio weltkuglen 20-23
7/15 Nørgaard/Varth/Wicklund/Toftemark Terroristen 17-19.30
7/23 Nel cafe
7/5 nemo
7/26 The Peper
2/28 the wolf hound
7/30 The Hat bar
8/1 The Hat bar
8/2 The Hat bar
8/3 The Hat bar
8/ 4 Strand mølle kro 14-18 Chris Anderson trio
8/7 Ofelia plads luft kastellet Kasper Lang Band 16.30- 19.30
8/9 Dispensery Nørrebrogade, Kasper Holne Band 21-24.
8/11 booked for private event
8/12 Chris Anderson Trio at Sidecar 17-20.
8/16 Ross/Rantal Toftemark Unity Jazz Club Göteborg
8/17 Kasper lang Trio at Kerster Thomas 22-01
8/25 booked for private Event
9/6 Dispensery 21-00 with Kasper Holne Band
9/ 21 Theo Braun duo 7-10 pm at Bite 14'th street
9/22 Anyway Cafe 2'nd street, Toftemark Højgaard duo 5-8pm
9/22 11-2amToftemark And Friends Live at the redroom
9/23 4-6 B/S/T trio live at the Shanty
9/30 5-8 Toftemark duo at Anyway Cafe lower East side.
10/2 8-11.30 Troftemark Trio at Anyway Cafe 2'nd ave
10/5 11-2am Toftemark And Friends Live at the redroom
10/7 The Shanty 4-6 Mood Trio
10/7 Good people Swing Siciety at Star Bar Brooklyn 8-11
10/10 Toftemark Duo at Great Nothern food Hall Grand Central NY 5-7.30
10/11 Good People Swing Siciety 10.30 live at Williamsburg Music Center
10/13 Toftemark Duo Live at Anyway Cafe Lower East Side 4-7pm
10/13 Good People Swing Society Winnies Jazz Club NYC 8-12
10/14 Anyway Soho NYC Cafe 1-4pm Duo with Boaz Marva
10/17 Duo Great Nothern Food Hall Grand Central 5-7
10/18 Toftemark Duo Live at Anyway Cafe Lower East Side 4-7pm
10/18 Good People Swing Society Winnies Jazz Bar NYC 8-12
10/20 519 Broom street NYC Brunch jazz duo with Tal Klein
10/21 519 Broom street NYC Brunch jazz duo with Boaz Marva
10/21 The Shanty Trio 4-6
10/24 Great Nothern food Hall Grand Central Station. Jazz duo with Pat B 5-7pm
10/25 Anyway Soho Trio 5-8
10/26 Theo Braun Trio at Bite 14'th Street 7-9
10/28 Wallace Stelzer trio at Cecil Hotel 12-3
10/28 Jazz Duo at Anyway Cafe lower East Side 5-8
10/30 Mood Trio 6-7 At Schrine Harlem NYC
10/30 Toftemark Trio at Jules Jazz Club 7.30-10.30
10/31 Great Nothern duo 5-7
11/2 6-7 Silvana mood Trio
11/3 Anyway Cafe 4-6
11/03 at the Lovelace with Jackie West Band 6.30-9.30
11/3 Toftemark And Friends Live at (KGB Bar) Red Room NYC 11-02am
11/4 Swing Low Trio live at The Shanty Brooklyn 4-6
11/7 Great Nothern food Hall Grand Central Station. Jazz duo with Pat B 5-7pm
11/9 Toftemark And Friends Live at (KGB Bar) Red Room NYC 11-02am
11/10 Anyway cafe 5-8 With G.Idema
11/11 Anyway Cafe 5-8 With Pat Brennan
11/14 Great Nothern Food Hall Grand Central
11/17 Toftemark And Friends Live at (KGB Bar) Red Room NYC 11-02am
11/21 Great Nothern food Hall 5-7
11/24 Toftemark Quartet 11-02 Red Room 4'th street
11/28 great Nothern Food Hall Jazz Duo 5-7
11/28 Jules Jazz Club Toftemark Trio 7.30-10.30
11/ 28 Tannat
12/ 1 Anyway Cafe 2'nd street 5-8
12/5 Great Nothern Food Hall 5.30-7.30
12/6 Tannat wine and cheese 8-10
12/8 Red Room 11-02pm
12/12 Great Nothern Food Hall 5.30-7.30
12/13 Tannat wine and cheese 8-10
12/15 Red Room 11-02pm
12/16 Booked for a private event
12/17 11-02 Toftemark trio live at The Red Room
12/22 Terroiristen Terkel Nørregaard Trio 9-11pm
12/26'th love Ekenberg Quartet live in Mølle
12/27 Kasper Prise duo 5-7pm at Slottet Cph
12/28'th Toftemark Quartet Gallathea Kroen 21-11
1/28 Joining Zebadiah Stern's trio at Rue-B for the last set at 6pm.
2/5 Harry Smith quartet at Bushwick Public House 8pm
2/20 hit at Anyway Cafe with Steve Nelson Philip Ambuel 9-12pm
3/5 at Anyway Cafe with Steve Nelson Philip Ambuel 9-12pm
3/21 Nelson/Kesselbach/Stern/Toftemark Rosemary's Greenpoint tavern in Williamsburg, 5 - 8 pm
4/ 10 Anyway Cafe with Toftemark/Gottfreid/Britt 9-12pm
4/14 Bite (211 East 14th Street) Braun/Toftemark/Winshall 8-11 pm
4/29 Anyway Cafe Semenykhin/Langebæk/Toftemark 9-12 pm.
5/6 Route 66 stonestreet 4-6pm Benjamini/Freidlande/Toftemark
5/6 Red Room/KGB Bar Toftemark standart Quartet 11-2 am
5/ 29 Anyway Cafe Toftemark Trio 9 - 12 pm
6/9 Bite on 14'th street Toftemark Trio 8-10 pm
6/10 Red Room/ KGb bar Toftemark Quartet 11pm-2am.
22/10 The Peper Jam Amsterdam
Copenhagen Jazz Festival
7/7 HHH trio at Hvide Lam 2.30 pm - 5.30 pm
7/7 Chris Andersen Trio Søhesten 8.00 pm - 10 pm
7/8 Mathias Højgaard 5pm-7pm at Bevars
7/9 Chris Andersen Trio at SideCar 7pm-9pm
7/11 kasper Lang Quartet 7-9pm at Amardillo
7/15 kasper Lang Quartet 3-6 at luftkastellet
Arhus Jazz Festival
7/19 Anton Langebæk and friends 8-10 pm
7/20 Kasper Lang Quartet 5-7pm
7/21 TBA
7/22 (Sweden) Mølle Club House Love Ekenberg Trio 7-10pm
7/23 (Sweden) Systrana på Pirren Love Ekenberg Trio 8-11 pm
7/ 29 Side Car CPH Chris Andersen Trio 8-11pm
8/3 Kenneth Dahl Trio VerdensHjørnet CPH 7-10pm
8/4 booked for private party
8/5 booked for private party
8/12 Booked for private event
8/14 Booked for private event
8/16 Toftemark Trio Hat Bar berlin 9-12 pm
8/17 Toftemark Trio Hat Bar berlin 9-12 pm
8/18 Toftemark Trio Hat Bar berlin 9-12 pm
8/26 booked for private event
9/16 Toftemark and friends at Red Room 11pm-02 am
9/27 Toftemark/Brennan duo at Bellevelo brooklyn 8-10.30 pm
9/29 Toftemark and friends at Red Room 11.00pm-02 am
10/11 Totemark trio at Anyway Cafe 9pm-11.59pm.
10/19 Toftemark Trio AnyWay Soho 7pm-10pm
10/24 Toftemark Trio at Anyway lower East 8-11pm
10/27 Toftemark/Bruhn duo at Bite 14'th street 9pm-11pm
10/28 Toftemark and friends at Red Room 11.00pm-02 am
11/1 Toftemark and friends Red Room 11.00pm-02 am
11/15 Toftemark trio Jules Jazz Club
11/24 Toftemark trio Anyway Cafe
11/25 Bite 14 Boaz Toftemark
11/27 Anyway cafe toftemark trio
11/29 Joni Quartet at Bite 22
12/2 Toftemark and friends Red Room 11.00pm-02 am
12/6 Joni Quartet at Bite 22
12/9 Toftemark and friends Red Room 11.00pm-02 am
12/13 Joni Quartet at Bite 22
12/ 14 Andrew Licata trio at Glass House tavern
12/15 booked for private gig
12/19 Zeb Stern and friends at Garfunkels
7'th Jan Tof/Love Trio. Pepper Jam-Overtoom 301 21.00
8'th Jan. Semey Group Tivoli Utrect 20.30
8'th Jan. Bag'n Swing Quartet 22 booked for priprivate gig
9'th Jan. Congertgebow spegelzaal Willem De Beer 20.00
15'th Jan Jesper Shierling Trio Lanterne Rouge 21.00
16'th Toftemark day trio Booked for private gig. 17.00
19'th jan Jim Van Der Zee Koffie Tid Tv-show
21'st jan. 21.00 the paper jam
23'rd jan. 15.00 CVA Tuesday Bigband Amsterdam Blue Note
28'th Jan De Peper Jam
2'd feb. Not to Lose Swing trio at Cafe Langereis
4'th Peper jam
7'th Bag'n Swing at Quartet Baitzuidas
11'th Feb Tof/Love Trio at Godset Kolding (Dk)
12'th feb Café Bordelaise, Willem de Beer
16'th Feb. Bag'n Swing Sixtet at the Grand Royal Hotel
18'th Tof/Love Trio Leiden Jazz Awards
25'th Feb de Peper Jam
27th booked for private gig with the singer, Christian Iiumae
3'rd Mar the Scandinavian minority quartet at De Peper
6'th Mar. Dordrecht Jazz Podium Prize with Marrten Fortman 5'tet
10'th Mar. Tof/Love Trio Giant Steps Svendborg Dk
11'th Mar Tof/Love Trio Cafe retro 20-21
11'th Mar. Tof/Love Trio Christianias Jazzclub 22-00
13'th Mar Bag'n Swing Leiden Jazz Awards
26'th mar. 2016: Seabottom Jazz Festival (Lelystad) with Willem de Beer
31 mar. 2016: Regentenkamer (Den Haag) with Willem de Beer
9'th April booked for private gig
10'th April booked for private gig
13'th April Volkshotel With Willen De Beer
14'th April Peper session
20'th April Peper session Kristoffer's Lought Thoughts
27'th kings day quartet at cafe quelled 16-20
28'th paper session Toftemark Trio
15 mei 2016: Umti Orchestra Kødbyen DK
19'th May Peper session Kristoffer's Lought Thoughts
20'th May Bag'n Swing private gig
2'd June Peper session
4'th June booked for private gig
9'th June H.S.P with Vincent Arp trio
21'th June Little Olifant at Bimhuise
22'nd June Maarten Fortmann end exam at Amsterdam BlueNote
22'nd June Peper Session
2'd july booked for private gig
5'th July Tof/Love Trio Trinitatis kirken 17.00
6/8'th July Tof/Love Trio cafe Retro 21.00
9'th July Tof/Love Trio Grand Hotel Mølle 18.00
10'th July Tof/Love Trio Systrana 17.00
11'th July Tof/Love Trio Ph Cafeen 19.00
15'th July Cafe Cassiopeia Savery/Toftemark
2016 16'th July booked for private gig
10/1 Toftemark with friends at Route 66. 9-12pm
10/8 Toftemark with friends at Route 66. 9-12pm
10/15 Toftemark with friends at Route 66. 9-12pm
10/22 Toftemark with friends at Route 66. 9-12pm
10/ 29 Toftemark with friends at Route 66. 9-12pm
11/5 Toftemark with friends at Route 66 . 9-12pm
11/12 Toftemark with friends at Route 66. 9-12pm
11/19 Toftemark with friends at Route 66. 9-12pm
11/26Toftemark with friends at Route 66 . 9-12pm
12/10 Smith/Godstad/Toftemark 6'thstreet Communitycenter 6-9